iPad is a Flash killer, Chrome is a Flash savior?

If the story goes on shining now, after the children and grandchildren may read this page in the history of science and technology: "iPad launch of Adobe's Flash overthrow the empire." Although the HTML5 has developed for many years, is to promote the launch of The Wall Street iPad Daily, the New York Times and other large content providers abandon Flash, introduced with the new specification page. But the seemingly never led in time of Flash, Google has jumped out and announced Chrome browser (and so Yan Shen, Chrome OS) supports the original raw Flash, and Flash Player designed an integral part in Chrome copies. This is so sudden and bright future of Flash up, if indeed there is a market iPad if confirmed, the use of ChromeOS Tablet PC seems to be expected, this seems the future of Flash does not seem so dim it?

Editor’s view, Flash will not disappear. Some things, such as dynamic web page elements and video player may be replaced, but more (like games) can not be replaced, not to mention web pages with full Flash do not do many of the advantages of HTML. Small number of large sites may have the resources to re-do non-Flash version of the site, but the vast majority of sites will probably maintain the status quo it! Flash-Internet device, after all, than not much more. (as to me, I always use the mac iPad converter to help me transfer DVD to iPad.)

Apple's new iPad tablet PC does not support Flash, which you want to experience the full Web experience of users is a big problem. And this has something to say Adobe. In last Wednesday of Adobe's Flash Platform blog, Adobe manager, said Adrian Ludwig, Apple iPad, a strategy linked to the content consumers, there is a very important missing. Ludwig said that Apple continued to restrict the content published in the machines with the consumers. He noted that the absence of Flash support, iPad users and can not enjoy real comprehensive Web content, including more than 70% and 75% of video games could not see, can not play. Ludwig do not think it to look small, iPad future user will be unable to connect to the popular Disney, Hulu, Miniclip, Farmville, ESPN, Kongregate, or JibJab, not to mention a bunch of websites using Flash.

Adobe obviously has to counter the road. Ludwig said, Adobe is currently with more than 50 partners to help developers and content publishers through its the Open Screen Project (Open Screen Project), the content used in any device. The project goal is to make consumers regardless of the use of any equipment, can be cross-platform, open access to their favorite interactive media, content or applications. Here, if somebody wants to play DVD movies on iPad on mac os, the optimal option: iPad video converter for mac which can permit you to copy DVD to iPad for mac smoothly)

Par tipsforipad le vendredi 11 février 2011


#1 Par ~research papers writing le 08.06.2011 à 08:07 top
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